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Sunday, July 13, 2008




* Do wear a belt with a gold buckle if you are wearing gold jewelry.

* Do cover elastic waists with belts or scarves.

* Don't assume that you must, in every circumstance, match your belt and
shoes. But don't stray too far afield either.

* Do wear a belt whenever you wear clothing with belt loops.

* Do wear belts made of leather. If they aren't, they should at least
look like they are.

* Do replace belts when they start to look shabby. Or take them to a
shoe-repair store for reconditioning.


* Do iron them on low!!!

* Do think twice before you wear a print scarf with a print outfit. To
make it work, you need a dotted jacket and dotted scarf, for example.

* Don't wear a long one dangling from your shoulder. Even if you can
manage not to lose the thing, it screams fashion victim.

* Do keep scarves folded in clear plastic containers or in plastic

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